5" Cyberman Action Figures; methodone for the Dalek addict.
I was going to try and get a post in this weekend, but Sunday's blogging time was eaten up trying to find my house keys - I searched every coat, bag and pair of trousers I'd been wearing over the past week, rang up the cinema we visited on Saturday, hovered on the verge of calling a locksmith before finally finding the bloody things at the bottom of the bed! I'm still nonplussed by the whole business... I mean, I'm certain I didn't have the bed with me when I went out...
One unfortunate effect of returning to Nottingham has been a relapse of my Dalek-buying addiction. I thought I'd got it kicked; using 5" Cybermen (top) as a sort of methodone treatment, I'd cut down and then finally gone cold turkey sometime in May.
Unfortunately, this little claw-armed bugger caught me when I was weak and fatigued, out shopping the first day back from Edinburgh. He was lurking wilfully in a remainder shop, that deadly thing for the collector, The Variant I Hadn't Seen Before.

Unfortunately, this little claw-armed bugger caught me when I was weak and fatigued, out shopping the first day back from Edinburgh. He was lurking wilfully in a remainder shop, that deadly thing for the collector, The Variant I Hadn't Seen Before.
Left: 5" Claw-Armed "Assault Dalek". Check out his thread on Flickr for more details.
I know, I know, it's all just excuses, I'm forty for God's sake, I should know better. Perhaps I should start a group for Middle-Aged Men Who Want Toys... "Hello there, my name is Matt, and it has been nine days since my last Dalek..."
Still, at least I've not spent too much time photographing Dalek when I should have been drawing Stickleback. Speaking of which, better get back to it.
See you in the funny pages.
Ha, yeah I'd be in that group too. Glad you back safe and sound :)
Hi Mr D'Israeli,
I see you are now listed on the Birmingham Con website (http://www.thecomicsshow.co.uk/) as being one of the guests (along with Ian). Is this true? I've recently gotten into your Scarlet Traces trilogy which are great. I've also bought Leviathan and XTNCT which I'd love to get signed. I'm umming and ahhing about buying Kingdom of the Wicked though...
Hi Matt
That piccie of the Cybermen made me laugh. The main Cyberman on the left looks as if he is enduring a rather severe and displeasurable prod from his cyber-colleague towards his rear! ahem, (best Kenneth Williams voice) ''Oooh, you will be upgraded'
Hmm. This must be a comic artist thing. I know a comic artist in Glasgow who is also unable to walk past toys. But his particular obsession is Formula One cars. Especially if they are remote control. He does have Daleks too (remote control, of course).
It is no joke trying to transport an 18 inch, remote control Renault R26, in the box, back from Germany to Glasgow.
You are not alone - I'd have to join your self-help group. My own personal vice is small spaceships: http://smallspaceships.blogspot.com/
But I am developing quite the Dalek addiction!
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