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Excellent, can't wait to run around in a frenzied panic.
Lawks a lordy, mister Doomsayer, sir, is you sure about that? I means, a whole shillin' an' all, why sir, that near as doubles me pay for the whole job, like!
Best single issue of a comic book this year (ever, you say?). I have bored every living soul I know supid with tales of its greatness. This may of course be counter-productive in the long run...
No kidding though, it's downright brillo. Fave panel is Bernard looking out of his window at (we later discover) a familiar beggar. Favourite element are the newspaper / TV vignettes. Very Watchmen, I thought. Only better looking.
Thanks for the kind words... I finally got to see my preview copy on Saturday morning and was much relieved that everything had printed okay. The first ten pages (coloured exclusively in Corel Painter) look much better than they did on screen, and I'm kind of regretting going back to using so much Photoshop for the rest of the issue...
The next big question is, will issue two match up okay? I did the whole of War Of The Worlds between issues one and two of Great Game (about an eight month gap) but I'm hoping they won't jar too much...
"The Great Game" is really great!! Good to see links with the brilliant original "Scarlet Threads": brave and true Robert Autumn; vile and pompous Davenport Spry. Would it be reasonable to assume that canine Archie is a descendent of Pikey? Same colour scheme and doggy habbits.
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