(Merci, JB!)
Got back from Lille ready to catch up on Stickleback when I discovered there's been a muck-up with my accounts which is going to take several days to sort out. I've had to beg a deadline extension from Tharg-in-Residence Matt Smith, which the Mighty One has granted, but it does mean I can't in all conscience spend the time I'd like on a full report of the festival. More soon, I promise.
Suffice to say, Lille was astonishingly pretty, and though a little quiet, it was a good con; very much in the style of UK con, except with better coffee :-) I was kept occupied sketching the whole two days. Everyone was very friendly, and incredibly patient with my fragmentary and clumsy French.

Lille: elephants de l'Inde, circulation de Paris.

L'Halle des Sucres, the main venue for the Festival.
Pour les Lecteurs Francophones; pardonnez moi, parce que cet article est très petit; je suis très occupé avec du travail et aussi mon ensemble de comptes (et les affaires des impots!!). Pour les gens que j'ai photographié, je poste les photographies sur le Blog , à bientôt.
Better french, style a bit franglais as we say because it 'll take the charm away but i must say, beside being pleased to meet you that you have the best french of the whole bunch of artists ( with the exception of cheating french paul renaud of course and david too).
Anyway, hope you'll fix your tax mess soon.
I'll go look for the fish paste again and thanks for the good times , anecdotes and the lazarus sketch.
Thanks for answering my call for help, JB - I've updated the posting with your translation.
To be fair, Bryan Talbot speaks much better French than me, but with a Lancashire (north-west England) accent; I was bit out of my depth, but again, many thanks to you and everyone for being so patient with my mangling of your fine langauge.
And thanks for your good wishes re my accounts - there's nothing like a few days doing adding-up to make me grateful for a life spent drawing comics :-)
Bryan do speak franch.. damn either he did not try or his accent is waaaaaay to gig and it clouds the language....
Anyway looking for your pictures... i'll may give you a small tatse of my poor electronic pictures i've done.
Bryan speaks a much better French than he pretends. :)
He doesn't use it much but be careful when you're around him, he understands pretty much everything. ;)
Hope we'll see you again soon Matt.
Eric - I found this out to my cost when he commented on a conversation I was having in German with one of the Flemish visitors. A learned chap, that Mr. Talbot, and best not underestimated ;-)
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