Particular apologies to Michael ("the Turtles guy") who got possibly the roughest Sandman sketch I've ever done.
Despite that, it was a great to catch up with everyone, and have a good "blether" - I was going to take some photos for the blog, but didn't get round to it - that will tell anyone who knows me how rough I was feeling :-)
Travelling light - front pack: clothing and cameras. Back pack: books for the signing. Small bag: bananas.
I got Leviathan here in Guernsey on the 24th November. Blooomin marvellous it is to. Didn't catch it in the original issues so have been anticipating reading it since I caught a glimpse on your old site of the panel with the huge mushrooms. The package as a whole is superbly presented. The subtle use of tone on the cover is very well done and the black monolithic rectangularliness of it exudes a brooding menace so I have to hide it from the kids.
And of course the story and artwork are great. Loads of nice touches, the scotty dogs, the wildmen, the mushrooms.
I reckon they would love it in France as well. Is it being translated?
Hah! no need to apologise! still looks great to me! Leviathan was great too, 'specially enjoyed the ol' whiskey getting brewed in a man from aberdeen's bathtub! nice touch... glad to see stickleback's gonna be in next week's 2000AD, just waiting for XTNCT to come out! cheers, michael!
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