Judge Dredd © 1977, 2007 Rebellion/2000AD.
Herbert George Sewell created by Ian Edginton & me.
Some actual stuff about comics this time; much to my delight, I'm working on Judge Dredd once again. It's a one-off story written by Ian Edginton, another instalment in the occasional adventures of our unfortunate time traveller H.G. Sewell.
In 2004's Tempus Fugitive, Sewell arrives in Mega-City One from the nineteenth century and is busted by Dredd after testing positive for sugar, tobacco and caffeine. Things take a turn for the worse for him in Time Again (2005), when two of his future selves come back in time to bust him out of jail; Dredd not only defeats them but goes back in time to seize the original Sewell before he can build his time machine. The story ends up with four Sewells in the iso-cubes, one of them a hideous cyborg and one a brain in a tank!
In this story, the four escape from the cubes to seek revenge on Dredd. The story takes in various periods from Dredd's past (so I get to draw lots of cool stuff from my childhood) plus a there are nods to Doctor Who and even The Goodies :-)

Judge Lola from Tempus Fugitive (left) and with her new hairdo in the forthcoming Time's Squared (right).
Judge Dredd & Judge Lola © 2004, 2007 Rebellion/2000AD.
I also get to draw a favourite character of mine, the obscure but divine Judge Lola, who first appeared in Tempus Fugitive. I like Lola because she's un-typical for a strip like Dredd; she's a woman, she's black and, most importantly, she's quite stocky. There is, after all, no reason why all female judges should look like swimwear models...
Looking good m'man.
Don't suppose by any chance, in the Dredd past sections, you've drawn his uniform in the style of that time?
No-one seems to do that, but i like the idea of the uniform evolving over time.
And would love to see the original puny eagle shoulder pad back. I mean, it looked like the Norwegian Blue from Pythons Parrot Sketch.
Aha, funny you should say that, mangamax... all I'll say now is, keep an eye out for future posts...
Ooooo, enigmatic...
Mr. D'Israeli,
I have been a fan of your work ever since picking up a copy of Scarlet Traces, and while it's difficult to come across your work here in the states, I try to track down a lot of it.
I usually just lurk on your blog, but I wanted to say that I enjoy coming in here and seeing your work and even moreso the information you share on your blog.
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